しばしの間 Stolen Time
(王都フェルディア 昼)
アランデル公: ……ついに、ここまで来たか。実に、実に長き闘争であった。
Lord Arundel: So, we have finally arrived has been a very, very long road.
エーデルガルト: 伯父様……なぜここに?まだ決着はついていないわ。
Edelgard: Why are you here, Uncle? We haven't prevailed just yet.
アランデル公: なればこそ、だ。最後くらいはこの目で見ておきたいと思ってな。
Lord Arundel: Even better. I decided I wanted to see the end with my own eyes.
The very moment that humans will finally be free from the control of that false beast of a goddess..
エーデルガルト: ……わかったわ。軍の邪魔にならないところで好きに見て。
Edelgard: Understood. Behold to your heart's content, just don't get in our way.
アランデル公: 無論よ。戦いに巻き込まれてはたまらぬからな。
Lord Arundel: Of course. I could not stand to be dragged into the fighting.
When this fight is over, a world completely controlled by the Empire will be upon us.
エーデルガルト: ……すべて、ではないわ。私は私のできることをするだけ。
Edelgard: Not completely... I will only do what I must.
But until our reign becomes stable...
Uncle... No, all of you. I believe that your power and knowledge may be essential during that time of transition.
アランデル公: そうであろうな。我々も、できることをせねばならぬ。
Lord Arundel: Perhaps so. We also will do what we must.
For that short while, we will lend your our strength.
エーデルガルト: ええ……お願いするわ。しばしの間、ね。
Edelgard: Yes... We're counting on you. For now.
エーデルガルト: ……師、少しいいかしら。
Edelgard: Professor, may I speak with you?
Byleth: 何? What's on your mind?
エーデルガルト: ここまで来て、と思うかもしれないけれど、私の口から伝えたいことがあるの。
Edelgard: I know the timing is less than ideal, but there's something I need to tell you.
I imagine you've already sensed it, but even still...
I must tell you the truth...of the power you wield and of what you are.
Choice 1: 気づいていた I have sense too.
エーデルガルト: 師なら、そうだと思っていたわ。
Edelgard: I expected as much.
Choice 2: 何のこと? What are you talking about?
エーデルガルト: まさか、気づいていなかったの?ならば尚更、伝えないわけにはいかない。
Edelgard: Have you still yet to realize it? If so, then it's absolutely vital that I tell you.
エーデルガルト: 貴方は……レアと同じ、女神と呼ばれる存在の眷属なのよ。
Edelgard: You, like Rhea, share a bloodline with the so-called goddess.
Your mother likely had some connection to the goddess, whose power has always been sleeping within you.
Five years ago when your power awakened, I was afraid you would choose to join with Rhea.
Choice 1: 協力する? You thought I would join her?
エーデルガルト: ええ、何しろ……私の目的は、レアたち女神の眷属の支配からの脱却だった。
Edelgard: I did. As you know, my goal is to free our world from the control of Rhea and the other children of the goddess.
Choice 2: 5年前? Five years ago...
エーデルガルト: 封じられた森で貴方が永劫の闇から帰還した時よ。
Edelgard: Yes. In the Sealed Forest, when you returned from the eternal darkness...
As you know, my goal is to free our world from the control of Rhea and the other children of the goddess.
エーデルガルト: セイロス教団を使ってフォドラを支配するレアたちを、抹殺することだった。
Edelgard: I seek to obliterate her, as well as those around her who use the church's power to control Fódlan.
I swore to free the people from Rhea by striking her down, whether or not it meant making an enemy out of you.
And yet...you came to my aid and chose to walk with me on the path against Rhea.
I was overjoyed of course, but I was also confused.
I thought that perhaps it wasn't the path you were meant to take.
But I chose to trust in you, to rely on you and your strength. And now, here we are.
Choice 1: すべてわかった I understand...
エーデルガルト: 聞いてくれてありがとう、師。……話せてよかった。
Edelgard: Thank you for listening, my teacher. I'm glad I finally had the chance to talk to you about it.
Choice 2: もう一度聞かせて Please explain it once more.
エーデルガルト: ……わかったわ。
Edelgard: Of course...
エーデルガルト: レアたちがいなくなった世界で、貴方がどうなっていくのか……
Edelgard: After Rhea is gone from this world, I don't know what will become of you.
But whatever happens, I hope you know that you're very special to me.
I hope that I hold a special place in your heart as well. But regardless...
エーデルガルト: この背の重荷を分かち合える、たった一人の、対等に話せる相手……。
Edelgard: You are the one person in this world who can share the heavy burden I must carry. Someone without equal who I can always speak my mind to...
It's time. Let's go, Professor.